Everything Else

This page is going to be where I share everything that doesn’t fit neatly in another corner of my site.

Mansions of Madness – Gameplay Livestream – Jeremiah got a birthday shoutout at the 28:43 mark in this Fantasy Flight livestream discussing a new expansion for Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition.

Lovecraft eZine Interview with Leslie Klinger – Mike Davis, the host of the Lovecraft eZine Podcast, gives a shoutout to Jeremiah at the 1 hour and 34-minute mark. If you’re not familiar with this outstanding podcast, be sure to check it out.

Horror Writer Silenced with Tape on his Mouth – This YouTube video documents the time Jeremiah was on the news for having his mouth taped shut as kindergartener.

Talking Comics with Cullen Bunn – Jeremiah asked a few questions of one of his favorite comic creators on this recorded YouTube livestream.

Unboxing Arkham Horror: Under Dark Waves, Barkham Horror, and Women Running from Houses – A YouTube video Jeremiah did reacting to the content of the products listed in the title.

NY Giants Blog – Due to a lifelong love of the NY Giants, Jeremiah occasionally puts himself through the pain of blogging about the team’s progress.

Episode 100 of the Ink to Film Podcast – Jeremiah makes a brief appearance in the episode congratulating the podcast on reaching it’s milestone episode.

Farewell Game of Thrones – Jeremiah discusses the show and books impact on his life, and he makes some predictions about its ending.


Past Endeavors

Comics Movies Games – I founded this geek review site with my friend, Oliver. We worked on it for two years (2015-2016), but I ultimately realized that I wanted to pursue my creative writing full time instead of just discussing other people’s work. I stopped updating the site while I was in graduate school, but there are some neat pieces to check out there if you are into any of the three mediums mentioned in the website’s title.

Modern Rock Review – This music site houses some of my earliest ramblings on albums that were modern at the time. Don’t judge me too harshly by my old opinions and grammar.

Classic Rock Review – Like the site above, this one contains a few of my music reviews, except dealing with classic albums. Again, I ask you not to judge me too harshly by my old opinions and grammar.

BigBlueBullfrog – My father built this site for me in high school, and I used it to blog about everything and anything. I’m proud of most of the work I did on the site, and I’m a little embarrassed by a few pieces, but the site kept me writing consistently for nearly a decade. At the site’s peak, I got press passes for the 2011 New York Comic Con, and I received an advance review copy of a book by NY Giants Coach Tom Coughlin. I stopped working on the site when I launched Comics Movies Games in 2015.

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